Witchy Woman
1.5 oz Old S. Pete Tropical Gin
Dash of Activated Charcoal
Splash of Fernet
.75 oz Fresh Lemon Juice
Fresh Mint
4 Blackberries
.5 oz Simple Syrup
Mix together and garnish with Mint
Mojito from the Black Lagoon
2 oz Oak and Palm Coconut Rum
.75 oz Squid Ink
.75 oz Mint Simple Syrup
1 oz Lime Juice
4 Dashes Cocktail Shimmer
Shake and pour into glass, Top with Club Soda and garnish with mint
The Witching Hour
1 oz. Old St Pete Gin
2 oz. Pear Juice
½ oz. Chartreuse
4 teaspoons Lemon Juice
1 capsule activated charcoal powder
1 dried sage leaf
Shake and garnish with sage leaf
Blood Moon Punch
1.5 oz Banyan Reserve Vodka
.5 oz Tipplers
1 oz Orange Juice
1 oz Pineapple Juice
.25 oz Grenadine
Top with Sparkling Wine
Try as a Punch
1.7 L Banyan Reserve Vodka
2 Cups Tipplers
2 Cups Pineapple Juice
2 Cups Orange Juice
Top with Sparkling Wine
Grenadine for Color
Harvest Steam Cider
1.5 oz Old St. Pete Premium Sunshine Whiskey
1 oz Ginger Beer
2 oz Cider
Serve Hot
Purple People Eater
Banyan Reserve Vodka
Blue Curacao
Sweet and Sour
Cranberry Juice (Or Cran-Grape, or Grape Juice)
Purple Sugar Rim
Add Dry Ice for Smoke
For more information on St. Petersburg Distillery, visit stpetersburgdistillery.com.
800 31st. St. S
St. Petersburg, FL 33712